My dad hated roller coasters.

My dad Kev was a farm kid. He loved horses and tractors and the smell of fresh cut hay but roller coasters…..not so much. He passed away in April of 2021 and the following spring my family and I took my mom to the “happiest place on earth” because she LOVES roller coasters. Due to some scheduling conflicts, I was going to have to drive out to California and I thought it would be a great opportunity to take some of my dad’s ashes along and scatter them in some of his favorite places along the way. I filled an old pill bottle up and hit the road. I was on a country road near New Castle, Colorado, that ran next a farm that our family owned a long time ago and I wanted to stop in and spread a few ashes. The problem was that they had a party going on and I figured that bringing the festive mood down by asking to scatter remains wasn’t a great idea. So, I did the next best thing, a slow drive by. This was a messy mistake. I’ll spare you the details, but I had to hit a car wash and get a vacuum to the rear seats ASAP.

Along the way to California, I also stopped at the Hoover Dam. My dad loved big engineering projects and the Hoover dam was a place that held a special place in his heart. Now, if you’ve ever stood on top of the dam, you know that it’s a bit windy up there with the wind blowing up the sides, even on a calm day. I made sure I was discrete and leaned over the side with my impromptu container to let a little bit him remain always there. The wind took him from there. I’ll spare you the details but I had to get to a bathroom for some wet paper towels ASAP.

While at the beach a couple days later, another place my dad wasn’t too fond of, it came to me. I needed a clean, discrete, environmentally friendly way of spreading his remains. I had an idea and Kevs Kaps was born. I got a chance to test out the new product the next night at the top of a roller coaster while at the “park” towards closing time. The test was a success and after refining and testing our products we are honored to help you get the chance to take your loved ones out with you to their favorite places to be reunited with nature in a clean, discreet, environmentally friendly way.

Kev hated roller coasters, but he loved irony and a good joke!
